DSGP Sensitisation Training Workshop – The Bahamas and Suriname

DSGP Sensitisation Training Workshop – The Bahamas and Suriname

The Direct Support Grants Programme (DSGP) was developed in response to the immediate need for firms to retool and mitigate the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Caribbean Export has allocated funds for CARIFORUM firms, to be dispersed as grant funding. This funding is provided by the European Union under the 11th EDF Regional Private Sector Development Programme.

Bahamas-China Trade and Investment Forum

Bahamas-China Trade and Investment Forum

In order to strengthen the economic and trade links and cooperation between China and The Bahamas, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), Bahamas Chamber of Commerce and Employers’ Confederation (BCCEC) and the Chinese Embassy in The Bahamas will co-hosted an online Bahamas-China Trade and Investment Forum at 8:30 pm-10:30 pm on 20 October 2021.

Halkitis: Bahamas continues to be a safe harbor for financial services

Halkitis: Bahamas continues to be a safe harbor for financial services

The Bahamas continues to be a safe harbor for global financial services, Minister of Economic Affairs Michael Halkitis told attendees of the annual STEP (Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners) LATAM Conference on Friday, explaining that the industry continues to produce talent in the financial services sector that rivals the rest of the world.

International trade is back, but not for all

International trade is back, but not for all

International merchandise trade is booming. Exports of many countries are growing at double digit rates and global trade has already surpassed the pre-pandemic levels of 2019. However, the global trade recovery hides an important asymmetry: small economies and the poorest countries are falling behind. Their recovery is not yet in sight.
