Check out our frequently asked questions below as a quick service to offer you answers to questions that you may have on trade information, the portal and our services.
Which companies based in The Bahamas export goods or services?
Looking for goods or services offered by companies based in The Bahamas? Find your supplier here.
What are the top 8 products exported from The Bahamas?
Check out The Bahamas’ Export Performance for 2015 which provides a snapshot of the country’s popular exports.
What are the main destination markets for The Bahamas' exports (goods)?
Check out The Bahamas’ Export Performance for 2015 which highlights destination markets for the country’s top exports (goods).
What are the key sectors offering services available for export?
Trade in Services is the largest component of The Bahamas’ exports. Click “Key Services” in the main navigation for the five (5) major service sectors, sector profiles, sector performance and key benefits.
What are the key sectors offering goods available for export?
The Bahamas has a number of goods available for export in various sectors. Click “Key Products” in the main navigation for the five (5) key sectors, sector profiles, sector performance and key benefits.
Are there any preferences for Bahamian exports?
Check the preferences offered through the various trade agreements.
What's the business environment like in The Bahamas? How easy is it to do business there?
Click here for a snapshot of doing business in The Bahamas, including a synopsis of the business climate, business culture, freight logistics, regulatory environment, etc.
Why should I buy from the Bahamas? Are there any advantages or incentives?
Here are the Top 10 reasons to do business in and with The Bahamas.
Are there any upcoming trade-related events in The Bahamas?
Interested in events promoting goods and services from The Bahamas? Check out upcoming trade-related events here.
I need a bit more information on importing from The Bahamas. Can I speak with someone directly?
How can I access an 'Exporter Directory Form'?
To download a copy of the form click here.