Frequently Asked Questions
Check out our frequently asked questions below as a quick service to offer you answers to questions that you may have on trade information, the portal and our services.
What are the top 8 products exported from The Bahamas?
Check out The Bahamas’ Export Performance for 2015 which provides a snapshot of the country’s popular exports.
Which are the main destination markets for The Bahamas' exports?
Check out The Bahamas’ Export Performance for 2015 which highlights destination markets for the country’s top exports.
How can I export my products or services to international markets?
Check out the 10 Steps to Exporting Guide to guide you through the exporting process.
What type of incentives are offered to stimulate international business in critical local sectors?
Check out the concessions currently offered that may assist businesses in certain sectors.
What kind of concessions or incentives can I get when exporting?
Check out the concessions currently offered that may assist businesses that export.
Are there any preferences for Bahamian exports?
Check the preferences offered through the various trade agreements.
I think I'm ready to export? How will I know for sure?
Take the Export Readiness Test here. This tool will provide an immediate result and advice based on your responses to a few questions.
How can I get my goods to desired markets? Who provides transportation and freight services?
Here is a list of logistics providers that provide transportation and freight services.
Can my Small Business grow enough to access international markets?
Check out the SME Toolkit here. It is a rich resource offered by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to start or improve your business. It is full of practical tools, checklists, e-learning modules and more.
SMEs can find information on Accounting & Finance, Business Planning, Exporting and Marketing & Sales.
What are the business license requirements?
Every business obtaining a turnover through operations must obtain a business license. Annual business license expire on December 31. Renewal applications are due on or before January 31st and payment due on or before March 31st of every year.
How do penalty fees apply for business license?
Penalty fees apply for businesses that fail to make requisite filings or payment by the due date.
What are business license taxes based on?
Business license taxes are based on gross turnover and calculated from $100 for a petty business to 0.50% to 1.50% for businesses with turnover from $50,000 to greater than $50 million.
Is there anyone I can speak with directly concerning exporting?
If you need to clarify information provided on the Trade Portal, contact us here.
How can I access an 'Exporter Directory Form'?
To download a copy of the form click here.