Trade Mission, Washington, DC
04 Mar 2018 – 08 Mar 2018

The Bahamas Chamber of Commerce and Employers Confederation, in conjunction with The Bahamas Embassy in Washington DC, is facilitating a Trade Mission to Washington DC during the period March 4th – 8th. Trade Mission activities are scheduled for March 5th – 7th.

The Trade Mission to Washington DC will primarily comprise of dialogue and sector-specific match-making sessions with the US Chamber of Commerce, the DC Chamber of Commerce and the Baltimore Chamber of Commerce. Mission participants will also meet with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) for a briefing on private sector support. A Bahamian Trade and Investment Showcase Reception will also be convened during which Mission participants will have the opportunity to showcase their goods and services.

Recommended sectors of focus for Bahamian Mission participants are: Financial Services; Tourism & Creative Industry; Agriculture & Fisheries; Shipping & Logistics; Brewing (rum and beer)

The estimated Mission costs for participants (excluding airfare) are as follows:

  • Chamber Registration Fee: $100
  • Hotel: $275 per night (4 nights = $ 1100)
  • Transportation and Mission documentation: $300 (transportation for events on March 5th – 7th, and meeting documentation, including schedules and Mission directory)
  • Exhibition Fee: $500

Participants should indicate preliminary interest in the Mission by January 29th. Submission of the fee for transportation/meeting documentation and hotel bookings should be done by February 1st.

Download a copy of the draft agenda here.
