CarIPI Webinar Series Understanding IP Business Strategy: Packaging, Branding and Distribution, via Zoom
07 Mar 2023
– 09 Mar 2023
The CarIPI project will host a series of webinars on “Understanding IP business strategy: packaging, branding and distribution” via Zoom, March 7th – 9th, 2023, from 9:00 am to 10:30 am AST each day.
As part of the CarIPI Mentorship Programme, the aim of this activity is to raise awareness among producer groups and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) from the CARIFORUM region, of the importance of integrating IP rights strategies in their business models. Focus will be placed on the Marketing Component of the Programme, addressing in particular the areas of packaging and branding, marketing, and distribution of an IP business asset.
Register to attend the Zoom webinar by clicking here.
You can also access the draft agenda here.