Compete Caribbean Call for Cluster Proposals
18 Sep 2017
The Compete Caribbean Call for Proposal aims to fund cluster initiatives that can help Caribbean firms to grow, generate employment and export to new markets.
Compete Caribbean will grant up to $400,000 to selected clusters
Clusters are defined as three or more private sector firms collaborating to produce and sell a stream of new or better products/services at competitive costs on the regional or international markets.
Compete Caribbean will grant selected cluster project(s) 80% of the total budget for the project proposed by the cluster, to a maximum of USD $400,000. The cluster must contribute a counterpart of 20% (minimum) of the total project cost, half of which can be provided in-kind. Professional consultants will also be available to support the project development process.
Deadline for submitting a Project Concept Note (PCN): October 31, 2017
Compete Caribbean provides assistance to 13 Caribbean countries
The Compete Caribbean Partnership Facility (CCPF) provides technical assistance in (13) Caribbean countries through a multi-donor fund created by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID) and the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB). CCPF aims to contribute to economic growth in the Caribbean region by fostering the competitiveness of its private sector. This 5-year program builds on the success of the first phase of Compete Caribbean completed in 2016.
For more information on this initiative visit the CCPF website at Compete Caribbean.