Chamber Gears Up for Trade Mission and Industry Expo in Washington, DC
10 Aug 2017
The Bahamas Chamber of Commerce and Employers’ Confederation (BCCEC) is currently planning a Trade Mission and Industry Expo in Washington, DC this Fall.
International Business Opportunities

The Washington, DC Trade Mission & Industry Expo, proposed for November 12-14, is being organized in collaboration with the Bahamas Embassy in Washington, DC
The Mission and Expo are in keeping with the BCCEC’s objective to explore business opportunities for Bahamian businesspersons internationally. In fact, the BCCEC has a strong record of leading trade missions to promote Bahamian firms to international markets and fostering reciprocal trade arrangements.
Earlier this year Edison Sumner the BCCEC Chief Executive opined: “The Bahamas…must aggressively pursue trade in exports and services.” Cross-border trading, he added, was one way to grow this nation’s economy.
The Washington, DC trade mission, proposed for November 12-14, is being organized in collaboration with the Bahamas Embassy in Washington, DC.
BCCEC to Lead Twenty-Five Member Delegation
The BCCEC intends to lead a delegation of 20-25 Bahamian businesses with the aim of facilitating collaborative links between local business persons and US stakeholders, enhancing the knowledge of US trade requirements for Bahamian business persons and strengthening the trade facilitation capacity of the Chamber; all with a general view to advancing business opportunities for participating Bahamian businesses.
The first two days of the Mission will be earmarked for business meetings while the third day of the trip will be dedicated to an Industry Expo. Prospective sectors of focus include tourism, agriculture/fisheries, shipping, and beverages.
Interested businesses can contact the BCCEC at or 322-2145 to register and/or obtain more information.
Upcoming Missions to Haiti and South Africa
In addition to the Washington, DC trade mission, the BCCEC intends to lead missions to Haiti and South Africa before the close of the year in an effort to continue expanding trade opportunities for Bahamian businesses.
Trade missions are an ideal way to get exposure for businesses. Participation also exhibits a firm’s commitment to its business partners overseas and sets it apart from non-participating competitors.
Sign-up here for the Trade Portal’s Newsletter to stay informed of upcoming missions and related activities.