8 Dec 2021
The CARIFORUM – United Kingdom Economic Partnership Agreement entered into force in January 2021.
On November 24, 2021, Caribbean Export Development Agency (Caribbean Export), in partnership with the United Kingdom Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and Department for International Trade, and with funding from the UK and the EU, convened a CARIFORUM-UK High level summit. The event was held under the theme “Expanding Trade under the CARIFORUM-United Kingdom Economic Partnership Agreement” to promote exchanges on a modern future partnership between the United Kingdom and the Caribbean.
The virtual summit focused on the tangible opportunities of the CARIFORUM and the United Kingdom for expanding trade and investment; offered perspectives on potential benefits of the agreement for the private sector, and; identified priorities for prospective traders under the new partnership agreement and the implementation. Private sector representatives shared their experiences in the respective markets and insights on using EPAs as a tool for trade and investment, as well as their expectations and suggestions for support mechanisms to promote trade and investment expansion between CARIFORUM and the UK.
Opening Sessions
Panel Discussions
International Trade Law and Economics Consultant, Keisha-Ann Thompson, presented the findings of the Caribbean Export study on the new CARIFORUM-UK EPA commissioned to assess the new arrangement prompted by the UK’s exit from the European Union on 31 January 2020. Click here to access the report.
Source: Caribbean Export