Seaweed production is projected to grow exponentially over the long term as its diverse potential uses are increasingly applied. The global seaweed market, now mainly concentrated in a few countries, has the potential to expand by $11.8 billion by 2030, across 10 key sectors, according to the World Bank Global Seaweed New and Emerging Markets Report 2023.
Farmed seaweed is now mainly used for direct human consumption, aquaculture feed, or as hydrocolloid food thickeners. However, seaweed-farmed products are becoming increasingly valuable across broader applications, replacing fossil fuels in some sectors, and providing ecosystem services to help mitigate climate change, generating socioeconomic benefits in many fragile coastal communities.
To help realize its market potential, the World Bank Group Open Learning Campus (OLC) is launching an online series in collaboration with Aqualnvest Platform and the Republic of Korea, which currently accounts for 70.6% of global seaweed exports, valued at $918 million.
The knowledge exchange will explore innovative business models within the sector. Experts will learn how strategic public-private investments can accelerate growth. Key seaweed-producing countries, including Indonesia, the Philippines, and Tanzania, will also participate, fostering synergies designed to advance the blue economy.
This course is supported by the Government of Korea through the Korea-World Bank Partnership Facility (KWPF) and the Korea Program for Operational Knowledge (KPOK).
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