Metrology Laboratory and Services
The Government of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas (GOCB) has received financing from the Caribbean Development Bank in an amount equivalent to EUR 330,963 towards the costs of “Enhancing the National Quality Infrastructure (NQI) of The Bahamas through the Establishment of the Metrology Laboratory” Project.
The Bahamas Bureau of Standards and Quality (BBSQ), the executing agency now wishes to procure consultancy services from a Consulting Firm to streamline the development and provision of services to be offered via the Bureau’s laboratory facility which is to provide industrial metrology services to government and industry sectors. The objective of this consultancy is to provide BBSQ with technical assistance to:
(a) Assess the demand for calibration services and develop a strategy to guide the expansion of
metrology services in The Bahamas;
(b) Establish a competent calibration service to meet identified demands among current and potential
users of metrology services; and
(c) Develop and implement a quality management system in preparation for accreditation to the
ISO/IEC 17025.
Click here to read the Request for Expressions of Interest.
Click here to read the Terms of Reference.
Deadline: No later than 3:00 p.m. (Bahamas time) on Tuesday, March 8th, 2022